Tait Environmental Services has experience in the preparation of Hazardous Materials Commodities Flow Studies (Commodities Study) to meet the needs of individual CUPAs to respond to and minimize the impacts from a release or threatened release of hazardous materials in their jurisdictions.
The November 15, 2012 late application deadline is quickly approaching to apply for grants to pay for a Commodities Study in your City/County. Grants can be obtained through the California Emergency Management Agency (CalEMA) Hazardous Materials Emergency Preparedness (HMEP) program. More information can be found at the CalEMA website at http://www.calema.ca.gov/. Email Paul McCarter now to discuss preparing your Commodities Study, or you can call him at 714-560-8612.
The Commodities Study is part of the overall HMEP Project Cycle that also includes Area Plans, Table Top Exercises, and Hazardous Materials Response Team Needs Assessment.
The purpose of a Commodities Study is to examine where, when, how much, and by what means chemicals are transported throughout a given county, region or jurisdiction. The commodity study helps to analyze traffic patterns, better match planning programs to existing needs within communities, and reduce the potential for releasing incidents of hazardous materials to occur.
A Commodities Study becomes an important tool for emergency responders to increase awareness, mitigation, and response to hazardous materials emergencies within their respective regions. A commodity study can also be used by local planning officials to demonstrate the risk mitigation potential and commodities involved in specific areas of the jurisdiction.
Commodities Studies are authorized under California Code of Regulation, Title 19, Division 2, Section 2720-2728. Kern County’s Hazardous Materials Commodities Study is an example of one that Tait created.
Are you going to the CUPA Conference? February 4-7, 2013, Tait will be on site to meet with the agencies, businesses and communities we serve. Save the date and come see us at the conference! Contact us and we will schedule meeting time with you in advance.