Need Help with CERS Submissions?
You aren’t alone.
The California Environmental Protection Agency (CalEPA) has indicated that the mandatory electronic submittals of Hazardous Materials Business Plans (HMBP)s and Underground Storage Tanks (UST)s information is significantly behind it’s scheduled implementation this year.

Excerpts from the September 2013 Cal/EPA Unified Program Newsletter include:
- According to the California Environmental Protection Agency (Cal/EPA), if you haven’t already done so, now is the time to complete your facility’s electronic reporting for Hazardous Materials Business Plans and underground storage tank (UST) information. The California Environmental Reporting System (CERS), a statewide web-based system to support California Unified Program Agencies (CUPAs) and Participating Agencies (PAs) in electronically collecting and reporting various hazardous materials-related data, was mandated by the California Health and Safety Code and legislation (AB 2286). Starting in 2013, all businesses that have facilities regulated by a CUPA under the Unified Program must now submit Unified Program-related information such as hazardous materials business plans, chemical inventories, site maps, underground and aboveground tank data, and hazardous waste related data electronically to CERS instead of on paper forms.
- The first year of electronic reporting is rapidly drawing to a close. Cal/EPA reports that as of September 1, 2013, only one-third of the state’s regulated facilities have used CERS, the state’s on-line electronic reporting portal, to report or verify at least some Business Plan information. Statutory mandates and state policy require ALL regulated facilities statewide to report business plan information or underground storage tank information electronically during 2013.
- Only 4 months remain in 2013 and nearly two-thirds of the state’s regulated facilities are not current in CERS. Businesses that have regulated facilities will need to take action during the next four months to complete their 2013 electronic reporting, as Cal/EPA indicates that the Unified Program Agencies (UPAs) will be stepping up their enforcement efforts to ensure that facilities are in compliance.
To contact CalEPA directly, you can email them your questions, comments, and concerns.
TAIT is experienced in assisting businesses with their electronic reporting through CERS. Please contact TAIT if you need assistance with electronic reporting in CERS. TAIT has uploaded data and plans for more than 100 facilities for our existing clients.