Tait Environmental Services has extensive experience in the preparation of Hazardous Materials Area Plans (Area Plans) to meet the needs of individual CUPAs to respond to and minimize the impacts from a release or threatened release of hazardous materials in their jurisdictions.
The November 15, 2012 late application deadline is quickly approaching to apply for grants to pay for an Area Plan in your City/County. Learn about the State of California’s Area Plan for HazMat Emergencies Program. Tait has more experience than just about anyone in California on this. Email Paul McCarter now to discuss preparing your Area Plan, or you can call him at 714-560-8612.
Area Plans consist of emergency response procedures, pre-emergency planning, notification and coordination, training, public safety and information, supplies and equipment, critique and follow up, and more. Area Plans utilize information from other related plans which deal with hazardous materials emergency response at the federal, state, regional, and local levels. They will integrate business plan information, HazMat incident response procedures manuals, public notification procedures and much, much more. A great deal of effort is expended in preparing a plan specific to your local area – both collecting new data about the Hazardous Materials being transported through your area – and pouring over existing procedures and collected data, to create an Area Plan that will allow you to implement it in the event of hazardous materials incident in your jurisdiction. The Area Plan will identify local, state, and federal responsibilities during incidents involving the release or threatened release of hazardous substances.
Area Plans are authorized under California Code of Regulation, Title 19, Division 2, Section 2720-2728. Read the California Code of Regulations about Area Plans, and let us know if you have any questions. Kern County’s Area Plan is an example of one that Tait created.
Area Plans must be revised and updated on a continuous 3-year cycle. When was the last time your Area Plan was reviewed? Call us today and let’s start the process!
Here is a recommendation letter for Tait’s Area Plans:
Click here to get a list of Area Plan consultants from the CalEMA website
Are you going to the CUPA Conference? February 4-7, 2013, Tait will be on site to meet with the agencies, businesses and communities we serve. Save the date and come see us at the conference! Contact us and we will schedule meeting time with you in advance.