Tait UST Operator Training

Tait Training

Louisiana UST Operator Training Schedule

On February 20, 2010, the LDEQ UST Operator Training regulations became final. These new UST regulations are summarized in a UST Operator Training Flyer.   LDEQ and contract inspectors are performing inspections and asking UST owners who their Class A and Class B UST Operators are for the facility being inspected. The Class A and B UST Operators for facilities inspected after February 20, 2010 must be trained within 9 months of the inspection date.

All Class A and Class B UST Operators are required to attend and complete a Department-sponsored UST operator training seminar. All Class A and Class B UST Operators will be able to attend the seminars at no charge.  The schedule of seminars can be found in the above flyer.