Tait UST Operator Training

Tait Training

Renewal of Texas Industrial Stormwater Permit

TCEQ is in the process of renewing the TPDES Multi-Sector General Permit for industrial facilities, TXR050000[3], which expires August 14, 2016. A public meeting will be held on November 16, 2015.

A quick synopsis of the changes include:

  •  Changed the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) code to clarify what facilities are regulated under the general permit.

  •  Added narrative and numeric effluent limitations guidelines for airport and airplane deicing operations.

  •  Changes to benchmark values and sampling.

  •  Added SIC code 7699 to Sector R.

  •  Clarified permit language in Part V, Sector P, pertaining to the storage of crude oil.

  •  Clarified permit language in Part V, Sector I (Oil and Gas Extraction Facilities) when facilities qualify for permit coverage under the EPA NPDES permit, or when they qualify under the MSGP.

  •  Clarified permit language in Part II, Section C.1(a) for above ground storage tanks (ASTs) requirements.

  •  Added language to Part III, Section D.1 (c) to clarify how permittees should document zero rainfall totals, or no rain for sampling requirements.

  • Added clarification to the section “Impaired Water Bodies and Total Maximum Daily Load Requirements” to address when discharges are considered discharging to an impaired water body.
  • Draft permit was similarly revised to clarify that an applicant who owns or operates a facility classified as an “unsatisfactory performer” is entitled to a hearing before the commission prior to denial or suspension of authorization.

You can view the full permit at: http://www.tceq.state.tx.us/assets/public/permitting/stormwater/txr050000_factsheet.pdf

Written public comments must be received by 5:00 p.m. on November 16, 2015 and may be submitted to:
Office of the Chief Clerk (MC 105)
P.O. Box 13087
Austin, TX 78711-3087
Or electronically