Tait UST Operator Training

Tait Training

Connecticut Class C UST Operator Training is Now Live Online!

Tait’s Class C Connecticut UST Operator Training has been Approved by the State of Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection according to Regulation RSCA Section 22a-449(d)-108(b). The State Deadline for this training is August 8, 2012. Read about the State of Connecticut’s Revisions to the Underground Storage Tank (UST) Regulations at this link. Class C Operators must be re-trained every 3 years.

You may click here to Register for the Online Training Course. It is only $15, or you can receive a bulk discount by emailing Melanie Nelson.

Class C Operators must beĀ trained and certified before assuming full responsibility for responding to emergencies. A Class C operator is an employee and is, generally, the first line of response to events indicating emergency conditions. This individual is responsible for responding to alarms or other indications of emergencies caused by spills or releases from UST systems. This individual notifies the Class B or Class A operator and appropriate emergency responders when necessary. Not all employees of the facility are necessarily Class C operators. This individual typically and at a minimum must be trained to:

  1. Control or monitor the dispensing or sale of regulated substances, and
  2. Take action as initial response to emergencies:
  • Situations posing an immediate danger or threat to the public or to the environment and that require immediate action.
  • Alarms caused by spills or releases from an UST system.

Site-specific emergency procedures must be maintained in an easily accessible location at the UST facility which is immediately available to the Class C operatorĀ  Class C operator must be specifically trained for each facility.

Course Description

This course provides the Class C UST Operator an overview of the training needed to respond to emergency conditions at underground storage tank (UST) facilities. Our Class C Operator Course and Certification provides training on the following:

  • Introduction to a generic UST facility including the major fuel system components and emergency equipment
  • The roles and responsibilities of the Class A, B and C Operators.
  • Site-specific emergency procedures development
  • Emergency contact procedures
  • Safety awareness for employees and customers
  • Overfill prevention
  • Monitoring of the UST facility
  • Fire safety and introduction to fire extinguishers
  • Alarm panel recognition and response procedures
  • Fuel spill containment and cleanup

All for only $15! At the end of the course, a 10 question exam is administered and you will be required to answer 8 out of 10 questions correctly to be certified. When you pass the exam, you will be able to download your certificate of completion from the student log-in page. Register Now – multiple purchases receive a bulk discount!