Facilities covered by The Emergency Planning and Community Right to Know Act (EPCRA) must submit emergency and hazardous chemical inventory forms known as Tier II forms each year.
Tier II reports are forms that the EPA requires organizations and businesses with hazardous chemicals above certain quantities to fill out. Known officially as Emergency and Hazardous Chemical Inventory Forms, Tier II Reports are submitted annually to local fire departments, Local Emergency Planning Committees (LEPC) and State Emergency Response Commissions (SERCs) to help those agencies plan for and respond to chemical emergencies.
Section 312 of EPCRA applies to the owner or operator of any facility that is required to prepare or have available a material safety data sheet for a hazardous chemical under the OSHA Hazard Communication Standard.
Facilities that have hazardous chemicals on hand in quantities equal to or greater than set threshold levels must submit Tier II forms between January 1 and March 1 for the previous calendar year.
Facilities must submit Tier II forms to three entities in Illinois; one electronic report and two hard-copy reports. The electronic copy must be submitted to the State Emergency Response Commission (SERC). The hard copies are submitted to the Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC) and the Jurisdictional (Local) Fire Department. Tier II facilities must attach an up-to-date electronic Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) to their report. A site plan map must also be attached to the report. A site plan is a one-page diagram of where the Tier II chemicals are stored within the facility’s site/location.
The online Tier II submission site for Illinois can be found here. To contact the Illinois Tier II Administration directly, reach out to the Illinois Emergency Management Agency at (217) 782-8719, mail to:Tier 2 Reporting, 1035 Outer Park Drive, Springfield, IL 62704 or email [email protected]
Currently, Illinois Emergency Management Agency (IEMA) continues to work with LEPCs and fire departments regarding Tier II Manager accessibility. They are also striving to provide up-to-date and complete electronic chemical emergency planning and response information to LEPCs and fire departments.

To see more examples of the online submission process of a Tier II report in DeKalb county click the above photo or here.
Tait Environmental Services is dedicated to assisting those companies with hazardous materials and submitting their Tier II reports. TES has a longstanding history of working with large fortune-100 companies as well as smaller family owned businesses in providing environmental compliance consulting.