Tait UST Operator Training

Tait Training

Missouri A/B/C Tank Operators

Missouri’s new UST operator training rule requires that persons with responsibility for the proper operation of USTs and for responding to emergencies and leaks be properly trained by July 1, 2016. When you want to learn about requirements for USTs in Missouri, you’re going to want to read the

Rules of Department of Natural Resources

Division 26—Petroleum and Hazardous Substance Storage Tanks

Chapter 2—Underground Storage Tanks—Technical Regulations


To be a Qualified Class A/B Operator, an individual must:

  • Be certified as a Class A or Class A/B Operator in one (1) of the following states: Arkansas, Oklahoma, Kansas, Iowa, Illinois, Kentucky, or Tennessee; or
  • Pass a test offered by the Petroleum Storage Tank Insurance Fund Board of Trustees, which shall be available via the Internet at no cost to UST owners and operators.

To be a Qualified Class C Operator, an individual must:

  • Be certified as a Class C Operator in Arkansas, Oklahoma, Kansas, Iowa, Illinois, Kentucky, or Tennessee;
  • Be trained by a Qualified Class A/B Operator; or
  • Pass a test offered by the Petroleum Storage Tank Insurance Fund Board of Trustees, which shall be available via the Internet at no cost to UST owners and operators.

Training of certified A/B and C operators must be completed by July 1, 2016.   The MO operator training program is now on-line:  http://www.pstif.org/ust_operator_training.html Free web-based courses and tests are available for you http://optraining.pstif.org/intro/