Tait UST Operator Training

Tait Training

EPA UST Office Address Change

Effective January 19, 2016, EPA’s Office of Underground Storage Tanks will be located in the Ronald Reagan Building, which is part of the Federal Triangle Complex in Washington, D.C.

EPA’s Office of Underground Storage Tanks (OUST) has moved from its Arlington, Virginia location to the Ronald Reagan Building in Washington, D.C. The new address: Office of Underground Storage Tanks, US EPA, 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Mail Code 5401R, Washington, D.C. 20460.  The email addresses of the OUST staff and UST website www.epa.gov/ust, remain the same. You can access OUST employee’s phone numbers through the headquarters contact section on the OUST website http://www.epa.gov/ust/underground-storage-tank-ust-contacts .